We have listed six advantages of the 9BB PV module compare to the standard 5BB. That can help reduce BOS cost and LCOE, reduce the risk of Micro Cracks, hot spot, and LID effect, and increase the efficiency and output of your PV module.
Large Cells dimension
Large cels dimension will increase the area of the cells on the panels. That will help 9BB PV module to be more efficient (up to 450W) and to increase the module efficiency (up to 20.58%)

Less space between the busbars, and thinner busbar design
The busbar space reduction will help the 9BB PV module to reduce the intensity of the electricity between each cell, in order to increase the efficiency of the PV module.
The surface area of the busbar is 22% lower on 9BB than 5BB cells, that will increase the cells receiving surface, and the output of the PV module.

Reduction of shadow and occlusion effect

A unique split of the junction box
A unique junction box split into 3 parts to reduce the occlusion effect and has 6 separate cell-strings (but only 3 bypass diodes), offering better partial-shade tolerance. If half of the panel is shaded, the other half can still operate.

Reduction of BOS, manpower cost and solar plant surface
Example 1:
500 kW solar plant installation with 380W Mono PERC
PV module dimension: 1980*1002*40 mm
Number of panels requested: 1316 PV modules
The surface needed: 2610 sqm2
Example 2:
500 kW solar pant installation with 440W Mono PERC HELIOS PLUS
PV module dimension: 2102*1040*35 mm
Number of panels requested: 1136 PV modules (- 15% compared to 5BB)
The surface needed: 2483 sqm2 (-5% compared to 5BB)
Half-cut cells technology
Half-cut cell technology will help the 9BB PV module to reduce the intensity of the electrify between each cell, which will increase the efficiency and output of PV module.
Lower risk of Micro Cracks, better resistance to Hot Spot, and LID effect.